Guidelines for Submitting a Proposal to Host SASES Spring Meeting

Please submit a proposal to the SASES National Officers and ASA, CSSA, and SSSA headquarters staff highlighting your concept for the Spring Meeting. Below are the guidelines for the items that need to be included in your proposal.

Tours: Include a general outline of the tours, including stops. Keep in mind that in the end you will need at least 4 tour options. The idea of these tours is to highlight agriculture, soil or environmental science in your area.  The more unique, the better!

Venue(s): Highlight where dinners, keynote speaker address, and other meetings will take place. Venues need to accommodate 200 attendees minimum. Access to a conference room for small meetings (including the President’s meeting and national officer meeting) is appreciated.

Lodging: Provide options where you will be lodging all attendees. Consider proximity to event center &/or university, price, and availability to reserve blocks of rooms. A facility (or facilities) with 75 to 100 rooms available for reservation is a good guideline.

Budget: Submit a budget outline. Host universities do not receive any funding from SASES for the Spring Meeting (do not let this scare you away; it is possible to get enough funding donated from sponsors). Have a general idea of how much the event will cost (price things such as buses, catering, etc.) as well as who you intend to seek financial support and sponsorship from. Consider registration fees (these can offset some of your expenses).  Please contact past hosts if you have questions or need ideas for sponsors.

Membership & Timeline: Please include a brief description of your club membership numbers. This is where you can include other campus organizations who may help execute a successful event.  Also, include a basic timeline of objectives, such as when you the speaker and tours should be booked.


Attendance is usually 175-225 students. Please be sure all your venues and other planning considers this. If you have any questions, feel free to contact