Photo courtesy of Tara Vander Dussen.
Caption: Cows feed at the Village View Dairy Farm in Wisconsin. Photo courtesy of University of Wisconsin-Extension.
Alt Text: Cows in a dairy barn lean forward to feed.
Blurb: We’ve talked a lot about big changes that will impact the dairy industry in the next few years. This episode, we dig into small changes you can make now that will impact your dairy’s sustainability.
We’ve talked a lot about big changes on the horizon for dairy production in the last few episodes. This week, we’re digging into some practical on-farm tweaks dairy farmers can make to instantly impact their sustainability.
Listen in as Tara Vander Dussen, a fifth generation dairy farmer and environmental scientist, talks us through hands-on sustainability tweaks for dairy farms. Water, electricity, and manure management are all candidates for small changes that can make big impacts to the whole farm’s overall environmental impact.
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This is the last episode in our series on sustainable dairy management. If you enjoyed this episode, check out the other episodes in the series:
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Listen in as Tara Vander Dussen, a fifth generation dairy farmer and environmental scientist, talks us through hands-on sustainability tweaks for dairy farms. Water, electricity, and manure management are all candidates for small changes that can make big impacts to the whole farm’s overall environmental impact.
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